Green Witchcraft
Green Witchcraft is a path of deep reverence and connection to the earth. A love of nature and the natural world and a strong desire to observe, protect and connect with nature in various ways such as gardening, foraging, growing food, herbalism, celebrating the seasons, conservation, forest bathing and wildcrafting. Historically, although viewed suspiciously by many, green witches were simply just healers with wisdom and knowledge of the natural healing powers of plants and herbs. Because of their close connection with nature, wildlife and the natural world; it is easy to see how others could interpret their knowledge and affinity with the natural world as unearthly magical powers but the truth is that the natural world is full of magic for everyone to harness – connections with nature can bring about powerful, positive and sometimes life changing effects – magic !

The Wheel of the Year
The Wheel of The Year is a cyclical calendar used by Pagans, which consists of eight festivals marking seasonal changes throughout the year. Most green witches, although not all, would consider themselves as pagan and probably follow the wheel of the year in some way, as the eight festivals celebrate the natural cycles of nature. As a green witch I like to celebrate all of the festivals but some have more meaning for me than others, in particular Mabon which is the Autumn Equinox. Sometimes I simply acknowledge the day by going for a walk in nature or lighting a candle; other times we will celebrate as a family with home-cooked food, drink, singing, story telling, games, candles, intentions, star gazing and gift giving around a fire ! The eight festivals consist of:
Samhain – (Halloween); Yule – (Winter Solstice); Imbolc – (early February); Ostara – (Spring Equinox); Beltane – (May Day); Litha – (Summer Solstice); Lammas – (early August harvest festival); Mabon – (Autumn equinox).

Moments of Awe
The importance of awe-inspiring moments in our lives should not be underestimated. Those special moments that make us feel alive, when we marvel over what we have just witnessed are essential to our wellbeing. They usually feel magical, amazing or thrilling. Sometimes we can’t even put into words how they make us feel but often they bring about a feeling of connection to humanity and the earth, they make us feel part of something greater and fill us with gratitude. There are the extraordinary once-in-a-lifetime moments like watching the birth of a child. If we are lucky, there are the once-every-so-often moments – standing on the summit of a mountain or a tropical beach. Then there are the everyday moments – watching the sunset over a beautiful landscape, gazing up at the stars in the night sky or listening to the dawn chorus. For a green witch, the natural world is a continuous source of awe-inspiring moments found in the ordinary and everyday.

Green Witchcraft is a nature-based expression of spirituality. It’s a very personal and individual path and every green witch will express their spirituality differently but all green witches will have an affinity with the natural world. Spirituality, for me, is about perspective, purpose, peace, meaning and growth. It’s feeling inexorably connected to and part of something greater – nature and the natural world. The ways I express my spirituality include; meditation, mindfulness and manifestation. Meditation can be as simple as sitting quietly in my garden with my eyes closed, listening to birdsong. Mindfulness is watching a bumblebee buzz from flower to flower and only focusing on the bee in that present moment. Manifestation, for me, is about intention and positive action. It’s not about making a wish, sitting back, doing nothing and hoping it comes true. It’s about discovering yourself and your own capabilities to make things happen and carve out the life you want. All of these things are very simple but done consistently have very powerful and positive effects.

The connection and affinity that green witches have with nature inevitably drives a strong desire to conserve and protect it as much as possible. Supporting and caring for flora and fauna through eco-friendly practices such as wildlife-friendly gardening, citizen science, supporting wildlife charities and respecting the natural world all help to conserve and protect nature. It is also really important, for me personally, to raise awareness about conservation. I have a particular connection and passion for raising awareness about protecting pollinators.

Nature Bathing
You’ve probably already heard of forest bathing but I like to use the term nature bathing or nature healing. Being in any natural world environment whether it’s a forest, a lake, a mountain or a beach can improve mental and physical health but forests in particular are amazing for our health. Studies have shown that plants and trees release chemicals called phytoncides which strengthen our immune, circulatory, hormonal and nervous system. Most green witches will have a particular connection with their garden or a local park or woodland. It doesn’t really matter where or what type of environment it is as long as it’s outdoors and natural. It provides time for solace, to slow down, relax, breath deeply and use your senses to really just be and feel.

Wildcrafting is a way for green witches to be creative and express themselves through nature. There are so many different ways that nature can help us to express our creative side, whether it’s photography, gardening, drawing, painting, crafts, floristry, woodwork, cooking, poetry, singing or sewing the list is endless but nature is a powerful source of inspiration for creative expression.

Herbs & Plants
Herbs & plants are probably one of the most essential natural resources used by green witches. Herbs in particular are so beneficial in so many ways for all of nature including us. Many have both nutritional and medicinal properties as well as providng nectar and food for wildlife. For me personally; learning about, growing, propagating and using herbs and plants is intrinsic to my path as a green witch.

The environment and being sustainable is usually a very important part of being a green witch. Many green witches are environmentalists; concerned with being as environmentally friendly as possible. That doesn’t mean being perfectly eco-friendly in every aspect of life; it means trying your best to do what you can, where you can. Even small changes like growing some of your own food, composting and reducing plastic use can all help to keep balance and harmony on earth.

Observe & Study
Studying nature is a huge part of being a green witch. Learning through observation, reading, discussing, listening and documenting all help to build up an understanding and knowledge of the natural world, helping to implement all other aspects of green witchcraft.